This happy girl just finished her first ever sugar sculpture! This thing has been my baby for the last few weeks. Everything you see on my sculpture is completely 100% edible. It incorporates poured sugar (the grass base and pond), rock sugar (the rock), pulled isomalt (the tree, branches, swing and icicles) and pas-silage (flowers, leaves, snowflakes, etc.). I designed the sculpture and made all the different types of sugars from scratch.
This beauty was a huge task and when I first thought of the idea I wondered if it could be done. I thought creating a tree that displayed all four seasons might be too ambitious. But, after hours and hours of working on it, problem solving, fixing mistakes, etc. I am so proud and pleased with the end result. It is as darned near close to what I imagined as possible. And, I'm just glad it's over. :)
My finished sculpture-The Four Seasons Tree |
Allowing the base to set-this was made out of poured sugar |
The rock is made out of rock sugar and airbrushed with grey edible dust |
Pouring the pond- also poured sugar |
The tree and roots are made out of pulled sugar. This was tricky to work with because as it cools it becomes brittle and breaks really easily. So, I had to work really quickly while it was hot and malleable. |
The spring branch. These flowers are made out of pas-sillage |
The summer branch- The leaves are made out of pas-sillage, the swing out of pulled sugar and I dusted the rock with green edible dust to look like moss. |
The fall branch. All the leaves are made out of pas-sillage as well and glued on with royal icing. |
The winter side- The icicles are pulled sugar, the snowflakes are made out of pas-sillage and the snow was made from sanding down extra pas-sillage and sifting it onto the tree. |
I added a little embellishment with the green grass and leaves on the spring branch all of which was done with green royal icing. |
The final product |